Part 3 of the 3 part series. Read part 1 here and part 2 here.
Tiny house hunting is a trend that is sweeping the nation. People are trading in their 2500 square foot homes for a chance to live an eco- friendly, simple and minimalistic lifestyle. Tiny houses range from 100 to 400 square feet. Those who make the leap to a Tiny House want to focus on family, saving money, resources, living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Sunspace by Leisure Rooms with a View got the chance to be a part of the build of the Ohana Tiny House in Aloha, Oregon. Be sure to tune in for Tiny House Nation on FYI to follow along with this build and get to check out Sunspace products and inspire you!
The Crew
Larry Miller and his crew from Sunspace by Leisure Rooms with a View said that the Ohana House family “were super nice and a pleasure to work with.” Larry spoke fondly of working on the project, “The scenery was absolutely beautiful and it was an unique opportunity to work on such an exciting build. So be sure to check it all out this season on Tiny House Nation on FYI!”
WeatherMaster Sunrooms

Tiny House Nation
The FYI Network’s Series, Tiny House Nation follows and highlights the growing world of Tiny Houses and the people who are opting for a more minimalistic lifestyle. Follow along as families trade in their two story homes for 400 square feet in hopes for a more humbled life, to less of a carbon footprint or to become more financially sound. You can catch Tiny House Nation on the FYI Network, Saturday’s at 9/8c.

Be sure to catch Sunspace by Leisure Rooms with a View on FYI Network’s Tiny House Nation, Airing May 14th at 9/8c. For more information on WeatherMaster Sunrooms visit www.sunspacesunrooms.com.